Secebis KASIH membuat kita SAYANG..
Seucap JANJI membuat kita PERCAYA..
Seguris LUKA membuat kita KECEWA..
tetapi satu ungkapan MAAF..
membuat kita LEGA dan terasa DIHARGAI..
Wahai Tuhan yang membolak balikkan hati, tetapkanlah hati kami di atas agamaMu.
Wahai Tuhan yang memalingkan hati, palingkanlah hati kami ke arah mentaatiMu....
bak nostalgia dulu-dulu memadu kasih..
..burung merpati terbang seribu, hinggap seekor di atas dahan, hendak mati di hujung kuku, hendak bertanam di tapak tangan..
Bukan 1 tapi beribu,
Bukan sementara tapi selama nya,
Bukan untuk dimusuhi tapi disayangi,
Bukan untuk dilupai tapi diingati,
Bukan hanya disini tapi di mana-mana,
Bukan setakat ini tapi hingga ke hujung nyawa...
I pray to ALLAH grant U a MIND free from Worry..
a HEART free from SADNESS..
a SOUL free from SIN..
and a BODY free from SICKNESS..
Sabda Rasulullah SAW :
” Apabila mati seorang anak Adam, maka putuslah segala amalan nya kecuali 3 perkara : yaitu, Shadaqah jariyah, ilmu yang bermanfaat baginya, dan anak laki-laki yang sholeh yang akan selalau mendo’akanya.”
Sometimes, GOD breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes, HE breaks our heart to make us whole..
Sometimes, GOD sends us pain so we can be stronger..
Sometimes, HE sends us failure so we can be humble..
Sometimes, GOD sends us illness so that we takebetter care of ourselves..
Sometimes, HE takes everything away from us so we can learn the 'value' of everything HE gave us..
Allah memang MAHA ADIL kerana DIA jadikan TEMAN tanpa TANDA HARGA..
sebab jika DIA buat begitu, sy tak mampu utk memiliki teman yang tak ternilai macam AWAK..
u have became a part of my life, i feel so cmftble with u and the times we share are delightful
...and i know, no matter what, i can always count on u..
no sweet words to frwrd..
no cute graphics to send..
just a..
simple msg..
thanks 4 being such an inspiring presence in my life. thanks 4 believing in me and encourging me to achieve my dream. thanks 4 being there 4 me.
The Nur from Allah will srround u,
the Love from Allah enfolds u,
the Power of Allahprotects u,
the Presence of Allah watching over u..
my silence doesn't mean i forget u...
my disappearence doesn't mean i don't care about u,
bcoz sm1 like u will always be in my heart...